Kentucky students ran for their lives: ‘No one screamed’ | WORLD
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Kentucky students ran for their lives: ‘No one screamed’

Emergency crews outside Marshall County High School in Benton, Ky., on Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Ryan Hermens/The Paducah Sun

Kentucky students ran for their lives: ‘No one screamed’

At least five students remain in critical condition after Tuesday morning’s shooting at a high school in Benton, Ky., a rural town of 4,300 people. Another 13 students are injured. Two students, Bailey Nicole Holt and Preston Ryan Cooper, both 15, died on Tuesday. Authorities have in custody a 15-year-old suspect, holding him at a regional juvenile jail, but police have not released his name. Witnesses said the suspect walked into the Marshall County High School atrium with a pistol around 8 a.m. and opened fire. “No one screamed,” said Alexandria Caporali, 16, who was eating breakfast in the atrium. “It was almost completely silent as people just ran.” Caporali, who escaped to a nearby classroom, said the suspect was a quiet boy who played music and always seemed happy. She said he kept firing until he ran out of ammunition. Police quickly apprehended him and led him away in handcuffs. The case will begin in juvenile court, but prosecutors are expected to request a judge move it to adult court, at which point the details will be open to the public.

Kiley Crossland Kiley is a former WORLD correspondent.

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