Kentucky governor signs online child protection bill | WORLD
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Kentucky governor signs online child protection bill

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear Associated Press/Photo by Timothy D. Easley, file

Kentucky governor signs online child protection bill

A bill signed into law by Gov. Andy Beshear last week aims to prevent minors from accessing pornography online. The law requires pornographic websites to implement more stringent age verification procedures to ensure that only legal adults can access pornographic material.

Didn’t Texas do something similar recently? At least nine other states have passed similar laws, according to a statement by the Family Foundation in Kentucky. That list includes Texas, which passed its law last June. The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld that law against a First Amendment-based challenge.

Dig deeper: Read Travis Kircher’s report on the Fifth Circuit’s ruling on the Texas law.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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