Jordan brokers peace talks as West Bank violence resumes | WORLD
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Jordan brokers peace talks as West Bank violence resumes

Israeli soldiers at the scene of a shooting in Huwara. Associated Press/Photo by Majdi Mohammed

Jordan brokers peace talks as West Bank violence resumes

The Jordanian government announced on Sunday that Israeli and Palestinian leaders had agreed to de-escalate tensions and commit to “just and lasting peace.” The announcement also said Israel would halt plans to expand settlements in the West Bank for four months. Jordan mediated the discussions between the two sides. Egyptian and U.S. officials also attended.

Has the violence subsided? While the talks were taking place, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack in the West Bank town of Huwara. The attack sparked a riot that resulted in cars and houses burning across the town. One Palestinian man died of gunshot wounds, while others suffered injuries from beatings.

Dig deeper: Read Robert Nicholson’s column in WORLD Opinions arguing that it is the Palestinians who are refusing to take the path to peace in the West Bank.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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