Jailed Iranian activist wins Nobel Peace Prize | WORLD
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Jailed Iranian activist wins Nobel Peace Prize

Iranian Narges Mohammadi, right. Associated Press/Photo by Magali Girardin/Keystone, file

Jailed Iranian activist wins Nobel Peace Prize

Imprisoned human rights activist and mother Narges Mohammadi won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded it to Mohammadi for “her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all.” Iran has kept Mohammadi in jail for much of the past two decades. Mohammadi has continued to campaign against the death penalty and solitary confinement. She is currently serving a nearly 11-year sentence under accusations of propaganda against the state.

How oppressive is Iran towards women? Iran shares similar policies with its neighbor Afghanistan, enforcing laws that require women to cover their hair with a hijab. Other laws heavily restrict the lifestyle choices of Iranian women. Iranian activists this week have also accused police of assaulting a teenage girl not wearing a headscarf. That teen was hospitalized with serious injuries.

Dig deeper: Read Marc LiVecce’s column in WORLD Opinions about Iran and its hostage-taking regime.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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