Israel, Hamas extend truce by one more day | WORLD
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Israel, Hamas extend truce by one more day

A protester in Australia joined a demonstration calling for Hamas to release hostages. Associated Press/Photo by Mick Tsikas/ AAP Image

Israel, Hamas extend truce by one more day

Israeli officials on Thursday agreed to continue a cease-fire in Gaza for a seventh day for the release of more hostages held by Hamas terrorists. The truce was previously scheduled to end on Wednesday. Since the cease-fire began last Friday, Hamas has released 97 Israeli and foreign nationals, and Israel has released 210 Palestinians from prison. Israel will continue to extend the truce one day at a time as long as Hamas releases at least 10 living hostages per day, said senior Israeli government adviser Mark Regev. At least 140 hostages are still in Gaza, he said.

What else is happening in the war? Two gunmen on Thursday morning killed at least three people when they opened fire at a bus stop at the entrance to Jerusalem, Israeli officials said. The shooters wounded at least seven other people. Two Israeli soldiers and a civilian immediately killed the attackers, said police chief Doron Turgeman. Hamas claimed that the two men were members of its military group.

Dig deeper: Listen to Nick Eicher and Mary Reichard’s discussion with reporter Seth Frantzman on The World and Everything in It podcast about Israel’s war in Gaza.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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