Israel ground assault pushes farther into Gaza Strip | WORLD
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Israel ground assault pushes farther into Gaza Strip

Smoke rises following Israeli bombardment on Gaza City. Associated Press/Photo by Abed Khaled

Israel ground assault pushes farther into Gaza Strip

Israeli troops advanced further into northern and central Gaza on Monday morning. An Israeli tank in central Gaza appeared to block the Strip’s main north-south highway in a video obtained by the Associated Press. Israel has forces on both sides of Gaza City and the surrounding areas and it plans to “expand and intensify,” said Israeli Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

What is the biggest obstacle to Israel’s push? The United Nations and local medical staff have said Israeli airstrikes are hitting near hospitals in the Gaza Strip. The hospitals house many wounded as well as thousands of Gaza residents seeking shelter. All hospitals in northern Gaza have received an evacuation order, but staff have refused to leave due to patients on ventilators that are required to stay in place.

Dig deeper: Read A.S. Ibrahim’s column in WORLD Opinions about what Israel faces in a ground war in Gaza.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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