ISIS orders attacks against U.S. military families | WORLD
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ISIS orders attacks against U.S. military families

Militants from the Islamic State parade down a main street Mosul, Iraq, in a commandeered Iraqi security forces armored vehicle. Associated Press photo

ISIS orders attacks against U.S. military families

ISIS is threatening the lives of U.S. military members and their families, urging jihadist sympathizers to target them anywhere they find them.

On Friday, Fox News reported an Army intelligence bulletin is warning U.S. military personnel to be on guard after the Islamic State (also known as ISIL) called on supporters to search social media for addresses of their family members, then “show up [at their homes] and slaughter them.” The bulletin comes from the Army Threat Integration Center, which issues alerts concerning terrorist or criminal threats to all American military posts, and recommends military members protect both their homes and social media profiles.

While no independent intelligence has corroborated the ISIS threats, according to Fox News, the bulletin encourages more than a dozen precautions.

“Given the continued rhetoric being issued by ISIL’s media services and supporters through various social media platforms the ARTIC is concerned of the possibility of an attack,” the bulletin stated. “Soldiers, government civilians, and family members are reminded to be vigilant of their surroundings and report suspicious activities to their respective military or local law enforcement.”

The Army warned that an ISIS jihadist tweet called for lone wolf attackers to use the Yellow Pages, as well as social media, to find the locations of military families. An unnamed military source told Fox News the information on the four-page warning memo is being taken seriously: While the Islamic State has split from al-Qaeda, boosting the costs of U.S. security has been a clear and consistent goal for al-Qaeda’s senior leadership.

Critics say the warning comes amid new concerns regarding how ISIS and its supporters are employing social media to expand their reach.

At a cybersecurity event on Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said the group is using social media “as a recruiting tool” and estimates ISIS recruits as many as 3,400 people per month through those efforts. In a radio interview late last month, Abu Saqer, an al-Qaeda representative from the Gaza Strip, said, “Islam is coming and there is no other choice.”

The White House is attempting to counteract the digital threat posed by ISIS through a media strategy of its own. In December, officials created a social media campaign called “Think Again, Turn Away,” which responds quickly to any pro-ISIS messages and uses YouTube videos as an outlet to “expose the facts” about the group’s “fundamentalist intentions.”

Though the media threats have sparked fresh concern, the Army insists protection levels remain unchanged and the recent bulletin aims to emphasize safety and security for military families at all costs.

“This document is a reminder to stay vigilant,” the Army said in a written statement. “It provides renewed emphasis on force protection measures to ensure the safety and security of our DOD components, defense critical infrastructure, personnel, and communities.”

Caroline Leal Caroline Leal is a former WORLD contributor.

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