Iraqi airstrikes kill four Islamic State group terrorists | WORLD
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Iraqi airstrikes kill four Islamic State group terrorists

The seal for the U.S. Central Command is displayed on Feb. 6, 2017, at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla. The Associated Press/Photo by Susan Walsh, File

Iraqi airstrikes kill four Islamic State group terrorists

Iraqi security forces conducted the airstrikes on Monday, but U.S. Central Command didn’t disclose the results publicly until Friday. The precision airstrikes took place in northeastern Iraq and were intended to disrupt and degrade aggressive Islamic State group networks inside the country, according to U.S. Central Command.

Who was the senior leader who died? Shahadhah 'Allawi Salih 'Ulaywi al-Bajjari was among the four killed in the airstrikes. He was also known as Abu Issa, or the “Wali of Kirkuk,” according to U.S. Central Command. The term wali can mean a protector or saint, while Kirkuk is the capital of a governorate north of Baghdad. The U.S. government characterized him as the most senior Islamic State group official in northern Iraq. There was no indication the strike resulted in any civilian casualties, according to the news release.

Weapons, ammunition, suicide belts, and other explosives were all found at the scene of the airstrikes, according to U.S. Central Command.

Iraqi forces did this on their own? The strikes were led by Iraqi security forces, which include the army, police and national police. But the strikes were made possible in part by technical support and intelligence from participating members of Combined Joint Task Force—Operation Inherent Resolve. The U.S.-led task force is a coalition of nearly 80 nations assembled to advise and assist sovereign partners in Iran and Syria in order to help them defeat elements of the so-called Islamic State in their respective countries.

Monday’s raid comes weeks after a joint operation Aug. 9 between U.S. Central Command forces and Iraqi security forces. That operation resulted in the deaths of 15 Islamic State group operatives and the seizure of other weapons, grenades, and suicide belts, according to U.S. Central Command.

Dig deeper: Read A.S. Ibrahim’s commentary for WORLD Opinions explaining why the Islamic State group is still a threat.

Travis K. Kircher

Travis is the associate breaking news editor for WORLD.

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