India bans pro-Palestinian protests in Kashmir | WORLD
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India bans pro-Palestinian protests in Kashmir

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018. Associated Press, file

India bans pro-Palestinian protests in Kashmir

Authorities are not allowing Palestine to be mentioned in sermons unless in Arabic, residents told the Associated Press. Kashmir has a Muslim majority and has supported a Palestinian state in the past. Several past demonstrations turned from pro-Palestinian protests to violent anti-India protests, as Indian authority is contested in Kashmir.

What is India’s stance on Israel’s war on Hamas? India strongly condemned the brutal Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 but supports a two-state solution. Historically, India has supported Palestine and has only had diplomatic relations with Israel since 1992. Last month, India abstained from a vote by the United Nations General Assembly on a resolution calling for an “immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce” in Gaza.

Dig deeper: Read Bethel McGrew’s report about India’s “untouchables” in WORLD Magazine.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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