India demands justice after Ontario protests | WORLD
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India demands justice after Ontario protests

The Indian government on Monday condemned the violence at protests in Ontario over the weekend. Protesters showed up Sunday outside a consular event held in a Hindu temple. After an uproar, officers arrested three individuals and were investigating several other illegal acts, local police reported.

The Indian government said it expected the protesters—which it called separatists and extremists—would face justice from the Canadian government, India said. Videos from the clash appeared to show some demonstrators with banners that advocated for the establishment of an independent Sikh country, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported.

What happened? On Sunday, India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that its consular offices were holding an event at the Hindu temple where staff could meet with individuals filing paperwork with the Indian government. Local Canadian authorities and organizers helped put on the event, the Indian government said.

Protesters then showed up and sought to disrupt the event, India said. The Times of India reported that violent clashes occurred between Canadian police, protesters, and temple worshippers. Because of the protests, the Indian government that its future consular events would depend upon the security measures provided by local authorities.

What does Canada have to say? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described the violence as unacceptable and said every Canadian had the right to practice their religion in safety. He thanked local police for responding quickly and opening an investigation into the incident.

Dig deeper: Read my report in The Sift about how the Canadian government is engaged in a sweeping investigation of Indian government officials’ alleged criminal activities in Canada.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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