Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law testifies in gun trial | WORLD
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Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law testifies in gun trial

Hallie Biden leaving court on Thursday Associated Press/Photo by Matt Rourke

Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law testifies in gun trial

Day four of proceedings in the federal trial of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, saw testimony from more close family members. Lawyers on Thursday cross-examined Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter’s brother, Beau. Hunter stands accused of lying about his illicit drug use while purchasing a Colt Cobra revolver in 2018. The president’s son swore he was neither using nor addicted to any illegal substances, but his 2021 memoir suggests otherwise. Hunter pleaded not guilty to all three felony charges of lying on a federal firearms form, lying to a federal firearms dealer, and unlawful possession of a firearm. 

Defense attorneys noted that the form did not define what constituted a user or addict of illicit substances. Hunter had recently left rehab and was sober when he purchased the gun, so he truly did not believe he was addicted when he filled out the form, his team has argued.

What did Hallie Biden say in her testimony? Hallie, who was romantically involved with Hunter at the time, testified to seeing him in possession of crack cocaine and other drug paraphernalia. She also testified to disposing of the weapon less than a week after it was purchased out of concern for Hunter’s safety, as well as the safety of her children. 

Could President Biden pardon Hunter if he’s convicted? Biden said Thursday in an exclusive interview with ABC News that he plans to accept the outcome of his son’s trial and does not plan to extend a criminal pardon.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s report in The Sift on House Republicans issuing criminal referrals for Hunter and James Biden in an unrelated investigation.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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