Hundreds ordered to evacuate for latest Oregon wildfire | WORLD
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Hundreds ordered to evacuate for latest Oregon wildfire

Smoke from the wildfire rising behind a Deschutes County Sherriff's Office car Deschutes County Sherriff's Office via Associated Press/Photo by Sgt. Kyle Kalambach

Hundreds ordered to evacuate for latest Oregon wildfire

The Darlene 3 Fire early Wednesday morning had burned about 1,700 acres near the Deschutes National Forest with zero percent containment, authorities said. Officials ordered the evacuation of 1,100 homes and businesses in the city of La Pine and instructed people at other buildings to be ready to move. Local law enforcement shared photos of black smoke clouds hovering behind a row of residential homes. Strong winds have fed the flames while firefighters have used engines, hand crews, dozers, air tankers, and helicopters to douse and contain Darlene 3.

How did the fire start? Authorities have not confirmed how the blaze sparked but said it started about a mile south of La Pine. A local high school was opened as a temporary shelter for evacuees. The La Pine Rodeo Grounds has also established a shelter for livestock and small animals.

Are other central Oregon fires still burning? The Long Bend Fire, a few miles southwest of Maupin on the west side of the Deschutes River, reached 60 percent containment on Tuesday. The Long Bend Fire sparked Tuesday and the circumstances remain under investigation, according to a news release.

Dig deeper: Read my report on New Mexico’s struggle to contain wildfires while battling flash flooding all last week.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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