Hospital asks for new hearing in Charlie Gard case | WORLD
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Hospital asks for new hearing in Charlie Gard case

Charle Gard Associated Press/Family of Charlie Gard

Hospital asks for new hearing in Charlie Gard case

The hospital treating terminally ill infant Charlie Gard announced today it has appealed to Britain’s High Court for a fresh hearing in the child’s case. Courts so far have backed doctors’ refusal to provide experimental treatment for Charlie or allow his parents to transfer him to another hospital, saying it would only add to his suffering. Today, Great Ormund Street Hospital officials announced two international hospitals approached them with fresh evidence about the proposed treatment. “And we believe, in common with Charlie’s parents, it is right to explore this evidence,” according to a statement from Great Ormund Street. Though the hospital is willing to submit the evidence to the court, doctors there still believe the treatment would be futile and prolong Charlie’s suffering. Connie Yates, Charlie’s mother, told Good Morning Britain on Friday, “We are not bad parents, we are there for him all the time, we are completely devoted to him and he’s not in pain and suffering, and I promise everyone I would not sit there and watch my son in pain and suffering, I couldn’t do it.”

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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