Hong Kong charges eight pro-democracy activists with national… | WORLD
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Hong Kong charges eight pro-democracy activists with national security crimes

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee speaking during a news conference in Hong Kong in March Associated Press/Photo by Louise Delmotte, file

Hong Kong charges eight pro-democracy activists with national security crimes

Hong Kong police on Tuesday said they would pursue “for life” eight pro-democracy activists who have left China. The officials accuse the expats of collusion with foreign forces and inciting secession, and announced a more than $120,000 USD reward leading to each of their arrests. One of the activists, Kevin Yam, called the allegations “ridiculous.” He said they were an attempt to crack down on opposing voices from abroad.

Can Hong Kong actually crack down on dissidents who aren’t in the country? Other governments, including the United States, have criticized the announcement. Hong Kong authorities have admitted that they won’t be able to arrest the activists unless they return to Hong Kong, but that local authorities won’t forget the charges. The charges stem from a Beijing-imposed National Security Law that Hong Kong police say has been used to prosecute 260 people already.

Dig deeper: Read Erica Kwong’s report in World Tour about China’s recent crackdown on Western diplomats and businesses.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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