Gunman detained outside U.S. Embassy in Lebanon | WORLD
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Gunman detained outside U.S. Embassy in Lebanon

Lebanese special forces patrolling near the U.S. Embassy Associated Press/Photo by Bilal Hussein

Gunman detained outside U.S. Embassy in Lebanon

A Syrian national opened fire outside the U.S. Embassy in Beirut on Wednesday, according to a translated statement by the Lebanese Army. An embassy security guard reportedly was injured in the attack. The Lebanese Army said it returned fire to injure the suspect, who was then detained and taken to a hospital. Witnesses told the Associated Press they heard between 15-20 shots during the half-hour attack. The Lebanese Army has implemented security measures around the area while investigating the cause of the shooting, it said in a later statement. Lebanese authorities are investigating the circumstances of the incident and staying in close contact with embassy staff.

Has the U.S. Embassy made any statements? The embassy in Beirut will remain closed on Wednesday after a small arms fire was reported near the building’s entrance, according to a statement from the embassy. The embassy’s facility and team are safe, and normal operations will resume on Thursday, the statement said. The embassy also reminded Americans to avoid traveling to Lebanon’s borders with Israel and Syria, along with refugee settlements. Travelers should also avoid demonstrations and exercise caution near any large gatherings.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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