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Globe Trot: Afghans protest militant violence against minorities

Women march in the Afghan capital of Kabul with photos of ethnic Hazaras beheaded by militants. Associated Press/Photo by Massoud Hossaini

Globe Trot: Afghans protest militant violence against minorities

AFGHANISTAN: Thousands of Afghan men and women took to the streets of Kabul today to protest the beheadings of seven captured Hazaras accused by ISIS of apostasy. The seven—four men, two women, and a child—were beheaded by razor wire, and a wide range of Afghans from various ethnic groups and parts of the country joined the demonstration. “It can be me tomorrow, can be my children,” protester Maryam Jamal said. “This protest is historic and we are adamant to not back off until something is done about this. We’ve had enough.”

SYRIA: ISIS released 37 hostages, nearly all women, residents of Christian villages along the Khabur River captured nearly nine months ago. Ranging in age from their 40s to their 70s, the hostages are among 253 initially captured. About 50 have now been released. In early October, ISIS executed three of the captives and released a video showing their deaths. Those freed were returned this week to their home village of Tel Tamer, which ISIS captured in February but Kurdish forces have retaken.

Today Syrian forces also have retaken a northern airbase near Aleppo besieged and held by ISIS since 2013.

YEMEN: An American contractor detained in Sanaa, the capital city currently held by Houthi rebels, has died in custody. State Department spokesmen say they do not know the cause of death. More than 5,600 people have been killed in seven months of fighting between government forces and the Houthis.

EGYPT stands to lose $280 million in tourism revenue with flight cancellations to Sharm El Sheikh. European carriers have halted air travel to the Sinai resort in the wake of the Russian airliner crash on Oct. 31.

NORTH KOREA is running short on ingredients to make kimchi. This is serious, folks, as it means many families will not have the staple food that gets them through the winter.

GREAT BRITAIN: The new discoveries at Stonehenge are fascinating.

Mindy Belz

Mindy is a former senior editor for WORLD Magazine and wrote the publication’s first cover story in 1986. She has covered wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, and the Balkans, and she recounts some of her experiences in They Say We Are Infidels: On the Run From ISIS With Persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Mindy resides with her husband, Nat, in Asheville, N.C.


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