Fourth bombing injures two in Texas | WORLD
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Fourth bombing injures two in Texas

Austin Police Chief Brian Manley (center) talks to reporters early Monday. Associated Press/Photo by Eric Gay

Fourth bombing injures two in Texas

An explosion in Austin, Texas, injured two men and showed a “different level of skill” than three previous bombings this month in the city. Police Chief Brian Manley told ABC’s Good Morning America on Monday that both victims of Sunday night’s explosion were white, unlike those in the three earlier blasts, who were black or Hispanic. Two people died in the previous attacks, in which bombs were placed in packages. Sunday’s bombing, while similar to the other three, used a trip wire, though it wasn’t clear how or where it was strung. The latest victims were riding or pushing bicycles Sunday night when the explosives detonated.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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