Mike Lynch body found in superyacht wreckage | WORLD
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Mike Lynch body found in superyacht wreckage

Scuba divers study a map of a sunken superyacht Associated Press/Photo by Italian Coast Guard/Italian Firefighters

Mike Lynch body found in superyacht wreckage

Authorities confirmed on Thursday that search and rescue crews recovered the body of British tech giant Mike Lynch off the coast of Porticello in southern Italy, bringing the death toll from Monday’s superyacht disaster to six. Divers continue searching for the last unaccounted-for passenger in the ship wreckage. Rescue crews pulled 15 survivors and one body from the water after the vessel sank, according to the Italian National Fire Brigade. The body has been identified as the ship’s chef, Recaldo Thomas. 

Lynch made headlines after his acquittal earlier this summer in what The New York Times described as one of the biggest fraud cases in Silicon Valley history. Lynch’s lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda, are also among those missing, along with Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy.

What caused the yacht to sink? Italian authorities believed a tornado formed over the water, known as a waterspout, and knocked the 184-foot boat on its side. Water would have flooded the hatches and rendered watertight compartments meant to protect against flooding useless, according to superyacht expert Jean-Baptiste Souppez. An eyewitness reported seeing the waterspout just off the shore of Porticello before spotting a flare launched from the water, according to a local news outlet. The witness visited the site of the flare and found only cushions and deck planks, which prompted him to contact authorities, according to the report.

Dig deeper: Listen to Mary Muncy’s report on another industry giant killed in a maritime tragedy last year when the Titan submarine imploded.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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