Four killed in California office shooting | WORLD
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Four killed in California office shooting

A police officer surveys the scene after a shooting at an office building in Orange, Calif. Associated Press/Photo by Jae C. Hong

Four killed in California office shooting

Four people, including a child, died when a shooter opened fire on an office building in Orange, Calif., Wednesday evening. One other person sustained injuries before police shot the suspect. Orange Police Department Lt. Jen Amat said officers transported the shooter to a local hospital in critical condition.

What spurred the attack? Amat did not give any details about the suspect or the motive behind the shooting at the business complex. California Gov. Gavin Newsom called the attack “horrifying and heartbreaking” in a Twitter post. The killing follows last week's mass shooting in a supermarket in Boulder, Colo., that left 10 people dead as well as the shootings at three Atlanta-area spas that killed eight the previous week.

Dig deeper: Read Charissa Koh’s report in Compassion on the Atlanta shooting.

Onize Oduah

Onize is WORLD’s Africa reporter and deputy global desk chief. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and earned a journalism degree from Minnesota State University–Moorhead. Onize resides in Abuja, Nigeria.


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