Four injured after shooting in rural Illinois | WORLD
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Four injured after shooting in rural Illinois

Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle said on Wednesday that all four people were alive and in what he would describe as good condition after emergency services had transported them to local hospitals. Three of those who suffered gunshot injuries were sheriff’s deputies, and the other was an unidentified suspect. The shooting occurred in Dixon, Ill., which has a population of roughly 15,000 people.

What exactly happened? VanVickle said police had arrived at a residence in Dixon, Ill., that morning in response to calls about an individual threatening homicide and suicide. Police arrived and began making phone calls to the individual inside the residence. Authorities made several dozen phone calls, all of which went unanswered, VanVickle said. Shortly before noon, police sent a team of SWAT officers into the residence to check on the individual. Gunfire ensued, injuring the three deputies as well as the suspect.

The Winnebago Boone & Ogle County Fire/Ems Incidents Facebook page shared an incident report saying gunfire had struck multiple people at around noon local time. A massive police presence, including at least two helicopters, had gathered on the scene, as had ambulances, the post added.

The Illinois State Police is expected to handle the investigation into the officer-involved shooting, according to VanVickle.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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