Firefighters make significant progress against central… | WORLD
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Firefighters make significant progress against central California wildfire

A bulldozer working to contain the Corral Fire California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection via Associated Press/Photo uncredited

Firefighters make significant progress against central California wildfire

Authorities announced on Monday morning that 75 percent of the Corral Fire in central California had been contained. That news came a day after fire officials reopened Interstate 580 and reduced evacuation orders to warnings for residents of San Joaquin County. The Corral Fire has burned over 14,000 acres, according to California’s Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The fire sparked on Saturday afternoon near the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site. At least one home has been destroyed, with footage showing an entire car engulfed in flames.

Is rain expected? The National Weather Service forecasted an extreme heat risk from Tuesday through Thursday, which may increase the risk of fires spreading or reigniting.

Any casualties? Two firefighters were injured while fighting the blaze, according to Cal Fire Battalion Chief Josh Silveira on Sunday. No other casualties have been reported. Over a dozen crews had been assigned to the fire at the time of writing, along with nearly 500 personnel and 45 engines.

Dig deeper: Listen to Bonnie Pritchett’s report on The World and Everything in It podcast about a new meteorological tool to help fight wildfires.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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