Firefighters battle 15,000-acre blaze near LA | WORLD
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Firefighters battle 15,000-acre blaze near LA

Water is dropped by helicopter as crews fight the Post Fire on Sunday in Lebec, Calif. Associated Press/Photo by Eric Thayer

Firefighters battle 15,000-acre blaze near LA

The Los Angeles County Fire Department said Sunday night that a wildfire that started in Gorman, Calif., on Saturday was moving southeast toward Los Angeles. The Post Fire spread across 15,610 acres in Los Angeles and Ventura counties as of noon Monday, and it was only 8 percent contained. High temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds make the job more difficult for the 1,148 people working to put out the wildfire Sunday night, the LA county fire department said. On Monday, crews continued to fight it from the ground and air.

How has the Post Fire affected people? Fire officials reported one person had been injured as of noon Monday. California State Park Services evacuated 1,200 people from recreational spot Hungry Valley Park on Saturday, and nearby residents were warned to be ready to evacuate if the fire continued their way.

What damage has the Post Fire done? The fire destroyed one commercial property by noon Monday, according to a state tracking website. It threatened dozens of residential and commercial properties. Nearby recreational spot Pyramid Lake was closed as a precaution.

Dig deeper: Listen to Bonnie Pritchett’s report on The World and Everything in It podcast about how people in Texas care for wildlife after a wildfire.

Elizabeth Moeller

Elizabeth Moeller is a breaking news intern for WORLD and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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