Filipino authorities evacuate area around active volcano | WORLD
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Filipino authorities evacuate area around active volcano

The Mayon Volcano Associated Press/Photo by John Michael Magdasoc

Filipino authorities evacuate area around active volcano

On Friday, police officers and rescue workers in the Philippines forcibly evacuated residents near the Mayon Volcano, which is expected to violently erupt soon. Authorities raised the volcano’s alert level Thursday after superheated gas, rocks, and debris cascaded down the upper slope. The evacuation is focused on villagers who have built homes and farms within four miles of the volcano’s crater—an area that’s supposed to be off-limits. 

Has it erupted before? Mayon last erupted violently in 2018, displacing tens of thousands of villagers. Mayon is one of the most restless among about two dozen active volcanoes across the Philippines. The country lies along the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” where tectonic plates meet—making it prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Dig deeper: Read Lauren Canterberry’s report in The Sift on President Joe Biden’s promise to support the Philippines amid tension with China.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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