Explosive attack on Kenya church kills one child | WORLD
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Explosive attack on Kenya church kills one child

Associated Press/Photo by Khalil Senosi

Explosive attack on Kenya church kills one child

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP)—The acting police chief in Kenya's capital says an explosive device set off in a Sunday school class killed one child and seriously wounded three.

Moses Ombati said he suspects sympathizers with the Somali militant group al-Shabab were behind the attack at an Anglican church in Nairobi.

Kenya has seen a series of attacks on churches ever since Kenyan forces moved into Somalia to fight al-Shabab last year. Kenyan forces kicked the rebels out of their last stronghold, Kismayo, on Friday.

Grenades are often used in the attacks; Ombati is describing the cause of Sunday's attack as an explosive device.

One church member, Julius Macharia Maina, brought four children to the hospital. One child's head was cut open; the others had bruises. Maina described the attack "emotional and very scary."

© 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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