EU tells U.K. to take more time on Brexit | WORLD
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EU tells U.K. to take more time on Brexit

Demonstrators for and against Brexit outside Parliament in London on Monday Associated Press/Photo by Alberto Pezzali

EU tells U.K. to take more time on Brexit

The European Union extended the Brexit deadline by three months over the protest of U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Johnson proposed a deal he said would work in time for the previous deadline, which the EU had set for Thursday, but Parliament refused to ratify it. Without support from legislators or the EU, the timeline is out of Johnson’s hands at this point. But he hopes he can win approval for new elections on Dec. 12 that would help him build more support for Brexit in Parliament.

Any new Brexit terms to know? The EU is calling its latest offer to push back the deadline to Jan 31, 2020, a “flextension” because Britain could leave the bloc on Dec. 1 or Jan. 1 if it works out a plan in time. U.K. residents who want the ordeal to end are suffering from “Brexhaustion.”

Dig deeper: Read through previous WORLD coverage of the EU-U.K. divorce drama.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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