EU calls natural gas, nuclear energy “green” | WORLD
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EU calls natural gas, nuclear energy “green”

The EU officials gather to vote at the European Parliament Associated Press/Photo by Jean-Francois Badias

EU calls natural gas, nuclear energy “green”

Officials voted Wednesday to add natural gas and nuclear energy to a list of “sustainable activities” that could encourage investors to inject more money into those industries. Environmental groups have criticized the move. Greenpeace EU sustainable finance campaigner Ariadna Rodrigo labeled it “dirty politics.” The European Parliament and member nations have until July 11 to object, otherwise the labels will take effect next year.

Why is this happening? European Commissioner for Trade Mairead McGuinness stated the day before the vote that Ukraine’s government supported the move, as it would help European nations replace Russian energy. But many environmental groups have argued the opposite: Labeling natural gas as sustainable increases reliance on Russian gas.

Dig deeper: Read Esther Eaton’s report on how people on both sides of the climate change issue are trying to talk it out.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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