El Paso holds memorial service for shooting victims | WORLD
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El Paso holds memorial service for shooting victims

The memorial service at Southwest University Park, in El Paso, Texas, on Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by Jorge Salgado

El Paso holds memorial service for shooting victims

People packed a baseball stadium in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday night for the ceremony honoring those shot at a local Walmart on Aug. 3. Luminarias formed 22 stars in honor of the dead in El Paso and nine circles for those killed in the Dayton, Ohio, shooting the same weekend. “Hate will never overcome our love,” El Paso Mayor Dee Margo said. “Hate will never overcome who we are.”

What is the status of the investigation? Authorities said Wednesday they finished processing the scene for evidence, and the El Paso Police Department is returning control of the property to Walmart. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants the United States to extradite suspected gunman Patrick Crusius, 21, to Mexico for trial there, since eight Mexican citizens were among those killed. Crusius already faces charges of capital murder in the 22 deaths in the United States. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday the state would add personnel to gang investigations of white nationalist groups and create a new domestic terrorism unit.

Dig deeper: Read WORLD national editor Jamie Dean’s reflections on the two shootings over a single weekend.

Rachel Lynn Aldrich

Rachel is a former assistant editor for WORLD Digital. She is a Patrick Henry College and World Journalism Institute graduate. Rachel resides with her husband in Wheaton, Ill.

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