Eight killed in Mississippi shooting, including sheriff’s… | WORLD
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Eight killed in Mississippi shooting, including sheriff’s deputy

Officers arrest suspect Willie Corey Godbolt on Sunday. Associated Press/Photo by Therese Apel/The Clarion-Ledger

Eight killed in Mississippi shooting, including sheriff’s deputy

Eight people are dead, including a sheriff’s deputy, after a deadly shooting spree in Mississippi close to midnight Saturday night. In Brookhaven, 50 miles south of Jackson, Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said his officers are in shock following the death of Deputy William Durr, who was called to a residence in Lincoln County for a domestic disturbance where he was shot. “We can’t just sit down and go home,” Rushing said. “Unfortunately, we still have a job to do and William was proud of that job.” The shooting rampage took place at three separate homes. Deputies arrested Willie Cory Godbolt, 35, who spoke to Jackson Clarion-Ledger reporter Terese Apel while handcuffed and pinned to the ground. “My intentions was to have you all kill me,” he said. “I ran out of bullets.” Mississippi Bureau of Investigation spokesman Warren Strain said prosecutors plan to charge Godbolt with murder, but added it’s too soon to say what the motive was. Godbolt was still hospitalized Monday at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson and is being treated for a gunshot wound.

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