Eight Israeli hostages freed by Hamas on day seven of… | WORLD
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Eight Israeli hostages freed by Hamas on day seven of cease-fire

Maya Shem, center, is greeted by her mother and brother as she arrives at the Hatzerim Air Base. The Associated Press/Photo by GPO/Handout via AP

Eight Israeli hostages freed by Hamas on day seven of cease-fire

The Israeli military confirmed that the hostages arrived safely back in Israel after being released in Egypt. The hostages consisted of two minors and six women. Over the past week, the terrorist group Hamas has freed more than 100 of the 240 hostages taken during the Oct. 7 attacks. In exchange, Israel has released more than 200 Palestinians from prison. On Thursday, Israel released 30 Palestinian prisoners, 23 of whom were minors.

Are all missing Israelis held hostage? Some have been killed. On Thursday, the families of two missing men were informed that their loved ones had died. Aviv Atzili was killed during the Oct. 7 attacks. Ofir Tzarfati was abducted during the initial attack and later killed. His body was recovered by the Israeli military during fighting in Gaza.

Dig deeper: Read Tyler O’Neil’s column in WORLD Opinions about the left’s generational battle over Israel.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a student at Bob Jones University and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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