Earthquakes rattle Puerto Rico | WORLD
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Earthquakes rattle Puerto Rico

A partially collapsed home in Guanica, Puerto Rico, on Monday Associated Press/Photo by Carlos Giusti

Earthquakes rattle Puerto Rico

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake unleashed small landslides, knocked out power, and damaged buildings in Puerto Rico on Tuesday. On Monday, a separate 5.8 magnitude quake shook the U.S. territory, which has suffered a series of tremors since Dec. 28.

How much damage did the earthquake inflict? Some buildings collapsed, and authorities are still surveying the damage. The quake struck in the early morning hours just off Puerto Rico’s southern coast, followed by several strong aftershocks. A 77-year-old man died and at least eight other people were reported injured. The island’s infrastructure remains fragile after Hurricane Maria struck more than a year ago.

Dig deeper: Read Lynde Langdon’s report in The Sift about the leadership crisis the territory faced last year.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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