Dutch police cancel concert after terror warning | WORLD
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Dutch police cancel concert after terror warning

The white van driven by the first suspect arrested over a planned attack in Rotterdam. Associated Press/RTL

Dutch police cancel concert after terror warning

UPDATE: Dutch police investigating a planned terror attack at an American rock band’s concert in Rotterdam have arrested another suspect after revealing the first person arrested Wednesday had no link to the threat. Police arrested the 22-year-old man in the Netherlands province of Brabant, south of Rotterdam, where the Allah-Las band planned to perform. “There is no threat because we have arrested a suspect and the information about the threat was so specific on the location of the event that, with that arrest, we can conclude the threat is gone,” Rotterdam Police Chief Frank Paauw said. Authorities on Wednesday night arrested a Spanish mechanic who was driving a white van close to the concert venue while drunk. The van contained gas canisters but nothing suspicious, police said. A search of his home uncovered nothing to link him to the terror warning. Allah-Las is scheduled to perform Thursday night in Warsaw, Poland. Officials there said they have beefed up security ahead of the event.

OUR EARLIER REPORT (8/23/17, 5 P.M.): Police in Rotterdam, Netherlands, detained the driver of a suspicious van after receiving a tip from Spanish police about an imminent terror attack. The warning led to the cancellation of a rock concert by the American band Allah-Las. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb said the van contained an unspecified number of gas bottles. Police in Spain are investigating several deadly vehicle attacks last week that killed 15 people. The Allah-Las group received numerous complaints from Muslims who found its name, which includes the Arabic word for God, offensive.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


Onize Oduah

Onize is WORLD’s Africa reporter and deputy global desk chief. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and earned a journalism degree from Minnesota State University–Moorhead. Onize resides in Abuja, Nigeria.


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