Driver shot, killed after crashing into Chinese consulate | WORLD
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Driver shot, killed after crashing into Chinese consulate

San Francisco police investigate at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco on Monday. Associated Press/Photo by Jane Tyska/Bay Area News Group

Driver shot, killed after crashing into Chinese consulate

The police on Monday afternoon shot a driver who crashed through the doors of the Chinese consulate in San Francisco. The driver later died at the hospital as a result of his injuries. No one else inside the building was injured, and everyone was able to evacuate safely, city police officials said.

Why did the driver crash into the consulate? San Francisco Police did not discuss a possible motive for the incident but began an investigation Monday. The Chinese Consulate general described it as a “violent attack.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin issued a statement urging the United States to investigate the matter swiftly.

Dig deeper: Read Jill Nelson’s report in WORLD Magazine on China’s bid for dominance in Africa.

Aidan Johnston

Aidan Johnston is a graduate of Hillsdale College and the World Journalism Institute. He lives in Wheaton, Ill.

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