Democrats for Life run diaper drive at DNC | WORLD
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Democrats for Life run diaper drive at DNC

A Democratic National Convention sign outside Chicago's United Center Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Democrats for Life run diaper drive at DNC

The pro-life organization Democrats for Life on Tuesday was running a diaper drive to compete with Planned Parenthood’s offer of free abortions at the Democratic National Convention, according to a donation page. Planned Parenthood set up a bus at the convention where it was offering free abortions and vasectomies, The Chicago Tribune reported.

Who were the diapers for? Democrats for Life said on its donation page that the diapers would go to families in the Chicago area. The group posted on social media Tuesday afternoon that it had raised more than $3,000 and the diapers would go to immigrant families. Representatives from the group said they also discussed including pro-life views in the Democratic Party with convention attendees.

Dig deeper: Read Brad Littlejohn’s column in WORLD Opinions about how pro-lifers must first change American culture before changing the country’s abortion policies.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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