Deadline passes for Charlie Gard’s hospital treatment | WORLD
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Deadline passes for Charlie Gard’s hospital treatment

A necklace worn by Charlie Gard’s mother, Connie Yates Associated Press/Photo by Frank Augstein

Deadline passes for Charlie Gard’s hospital treatment

UPDATE: The court-appointed deadline for Charlie Gard’s parents to come to an agreement with the hospital about his end-of-life care has passed, though the next steps for the terminally ill infant are unclear. A judge ordered the 11-month-old transferred to hospice by noon local time Thursday if no other arrangements could be made.

OUR EARLIER REPORT (2:10 p.m., 7/26/17): A judge in London said terminally ill baby Charlie Gard will be transferred to a hospice to die unless his family and the hospital treating him agree on an end-of-life plan by noon Thursday. The 11-month-old’s parents conceded Wednesday to take him to a hospice and not to their home but requested the hospice provider continue to keep Charlie alive for a week instead of just the few hours he is expected to live if his life support is discontinued. “It is in Charlie’s best interests to be moved to a hospice and for him at that point to be moved to a palliative care regime only,” Judge Nicholas Francis said. Charlie’s mother, Connie Yates, left a courtroom in distress before the judge made his ruling. After months of court proceedings on whether the 11-month-old baby could receive experimental treatment, his parents withdrew their request Monday. Doctors said too much time had passed for Charlie to benefit from the treatment.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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