Dallas shooting suspect dead; van goes up in flames | WORLD
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Dallas shooting suspect dead; van goes up in flames

A sniper near a standoff with a shooting suspect in Hutchins, Texas Associated Press/Photo by Brandon Wade

Dallas shooting suspect dead; van goes up in flames

UPDATE: Police have confirmed the suspect in a shooting this morning at Dallas police headquarters died. The suspect fled the shooting in an armored van, which police chased to a restaurant parking lot in a Dallas suburb. After a standoff, a police sniper fired into the vehicle.

According to police, the van later caught fire as a robot worked to clear the vehicle of explosives such as pipe bombs.

UPDATE (11:50 a.m.): Dallas police say they believe the suspect in a shooting this morning at police headquarters is dead inside the armored van he used for the attack. A sniper fired on the man hours ago, but police are taking great care in approaching the vehicle, which could be rigged with explosives.

“There has been no contact with the suspect in over 4 hours—believe it likely that he is deceased,” Dallas police Maj. Max Geron tweeted this morning. Officers are now working to disable any explosives that might be in the van.

OUR EARLIER REPORT (10:40 a.m.): Police have shot a man who attacked the Dallas police headquarters early Saturday morning from an armored van. The suspect, who identified himself as James Boulware, let off a volley of bullets around 12:30 a.m. outside the building and drove away. No one was injured in the shooting.

Police followed the suspect to a restaurant parking lot in the suburb of Hutchins, where a SWAT team surrounded him. During the standoff, the man told police he blamed them for having lost custody of his son and being accused of terrorism, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said. The suspect also claimed to have explosives in the van. A police sniper shot the man, and officers are checking on his condition.

Police found and disabled two explosive devices outside police headquarters.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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