Court sentences another pro-life advocate for FACE Act… | WORLD
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Court sentences another pro-life advocate for FACE Act violations

Pro-life activist Lauren Handy Associated Press/Photo by Manuel Balce Ceneta, file

Court sentences another pro-life advocate for FACE Act violations

Paulette Harlow received a sentence of two years in prison on Friday for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or FACE, Act. Prosecutors said Harlow and several other pro-life protesters blocked the entrance to an abortion facility in Washington, D.C., in Oct. 2022. The FACE Act prohibits obstructing access to the entrances of medical clinics as well as abortion facilities.

What happened in this instance? Harlow conspired with other protesters to set up a fake patient appointment at the abortion facility to gain access to its waiting room, the Justice Department alleged in the indictment against the protesters. The protesters then used chains to rope themselves together while sitting in chairs they set up to barricade the door to the facility so no one could get in and the facility would have to suspend its operations, the department said. One of the protesters also live-streamed the entire incident.

Who were the other protesters? The Justice Department identified the other defendants sentenced in the case as:

  • Lauren Handy, who received 57 months in prison.

  • John Hinshaw, who received 21 months in prison.

  • William Goodman, who received 27 months in prison.

  • Jonathan Darnel, who received 34 months in prison.

  • Herb Geraghty, who received 27 months in prison.

  • Jean Marshall, who received 24 months in prison.

  • Joan Bell, who received 27 months in prison.

  • Heather Idoni, who received 24 months in prison.

Another individual, Jay Smith, received 10 months in prison after pleading guilty to his involvement in the protest.

Are there any plans to appeal these verdicts? The Thomas More Society, which represented Handy, described Handy’s actions as peaceful. The Thomas More Society plans to appeal Handy’s conviction and sentence. Her lawyers also plan to challenge the constitutionality of the FACE Act.

Dig deeper: Read Leah Savas’ report in WORLD Magazine about the protesters and the long sentences they’re facing.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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