Coronavirus spreads in South Korea | WORLD
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Coronavirus spreads in South Korea

Workers in protective gear disinfect a subway station in Seoul, South Korea. Associated Press/Photo by Ahn Young-joon

Coronavirus spreads in South Korea

The viral epidemic that started in China is gaining an international foothold. At least 204 people have the coronavirus in South Korea, and two had died as of Friday morning. The first to fall ill contracted the disease in China, but officials now say it is spreading within South Korea, primarily in the southeastern city of Daegu. They have traced many of the cases back to a religious sect where an infected woman attended services before testing positive for the virus.

How is South Korea fighting the outbreak? Schools, churches, and other mass gatherings canceled their activities on Friday. City officials in Daegu told residents to stay inside and wear masks, even at home. In China, the Politburo of the ruling Communist Party cautioned Friday that though the country has made strides containing the epidemic, “the turning point of the development of the epidemic across the country hasn’t arrived yet.”

Dig deeper: Read Julie Borg’s report in Beginnings about the international quest to find a cure or vaccine for the new coronavirus.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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