Canadian prime minister separates from wife of 18 years | WORLD
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Canadian prime minister separates from wife of 18 years

Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie, announced their separation on Wednesday. The decision comes after “many meaningful and difficult conversations,” according to Instagram statements released by the couple. Their two sons and daughter, ages 15, 14, and 9, will continue to live at Trudeau’s Ottawa home for stability, an official told the Associated Press.

Why are they getting separated? The prime minister’s office released a statement requesting respect for the couple’s privacy and did not give a reason for the split. The Trudeaus said in a statement they will focus on raising their children in a “safe, loving, and collaborative environment.” Both have signed a legal separation agreement.

Dig deeper: Read Collin Garbarino’s book review in WORLD Magazine about the memoir of a man trying to save his marriage.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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