California firefighter charged for arson in wine country | WORLD
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California firefighter charged for arson in wine country

A firefighter working to contain fire in Wrightwood, Calif. Associated Press/Photo by Eric Thayer

California firefighter charged for arson in wine country

Authorities arrested Robert Hernandez on Friday for suspicion of arson to forest land, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. He faces six felony counts for allegedly starting five separate fires on different days in areas of Sonoma County’s wine country. All five fires together burned less than an acre of non-cultivated land, according to a statement by CAL FIRE. It’s appalling that one of CAL FIRE’s apparatus engineers would sully the public’s trust in the fire department, Director Joe Tyler said. CAL FIRE on Monday had no further information to share on the arrest or fires, spokesman Robert Foxworthy told WORLD in a statement.

Did he actually start the fires or thwart them from being put out? The 38-year-old allegedly started one fire while off duty in the second week of August, according to authorities. He then allegedly sparked four others during the second week of September—again while off duty, according to CAL FIRE’s statement. Authorities booked Hernandez in Sonoma County Jail on a $2 million bail and he is scheduled to appear in court Tuesday morning, according to Sonoma County Jail records.

Dig Deeper: Read Travis K. Kircher’s report on another California man arrested on suspicion of wildfire arson earlier this month.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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