Buffalo supermarket shooter gets life in prison | WORLD
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Buffalo supermarket shooter gets life in prison

Payton Gendron in the courtroom for his sentencing hearing Associated Press/Photo by Derek Gee, The Buffalo News

Buffalo supermarket shooter gets life in prison

A New York judge sentenced the 19-year-old who shot and killed 10 black people in a supermarket last May to life in prison without parole. The shooter has pleaded guilty to state charges of murder and domestic terrorism in the Buffalo shooting. He pleaded not guilty to federal charges that could carry the death penalty. Family members of the victims had the chance to speak about their grief and rage during the trial.

What did the family members have to say? One man described watching the teen kill his mother— shooting her, reloading, and then shooting her again. He told the murderer to find it in his heart to apologize to the families of the victims. Another man rushed at the convicted murderer, but officers restrained him and he was removed from the courtroom. The shooter did apologize for his actions, saying he believed things he read on the internet that motivated him to go on the shooting rampage.

Dig deeper: Read Susan Olasky’s report from the WORLD archives about how Christians should respond to mass shootings.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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