Bronx hospital shooter is dead | WORLD
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Bronx hospital shooter is dead

Police help people cross the street outside the hospital Associated Press/Photo by Mary Altaffer

Bronx hospital shooter is dead

A gunman who reportedly killed at least one person and wounded others inside a Bronx-area hospital is dead, according to a New York City police spokesman. The shooter, Dr. Henry Bello, a family medicine doctor who formerly worked at the hospital, walked into the building at about 2:50 p.m. Friday wearing a lab coat. He then pulled a rifle from inside the coat and opened fire inside the 1,000-bed Bronx-Lebanon Hospital. Initial reports said the gunman was still at large, but shortly before 4 p.m. police spokesman J. Peter Donald tweeted that the shooter was dead. Officials said he apparently killed himself. A motive is still unclear.

Kiley Crossland Kiley is a former WORLD correspondent.

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