British protesters pressure landlord to close Chick-fil-A | WORLD
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British protesters pressure landlord to close Chick-fil-A

A protest outside the shopping center where Chick-fil-A opened earlier this month in Reading, England Facebook/Dane B. McFahden

British protesters pressure landlord to close Chick-fil-A

The first Chick-fil-A to open in Britain might have to close its doors in six months. The restaurant opened on Oct. 10 in Reading, England, but the shopping center where it rents space said it would not renew the lease when it expires in April 2020.

What does England have against chicken sandwiches? Just like in the United States, LGBT activists in Britain accuse the fast-food chain of being anti-gay because it makes donations to groups such as the Fellowship for Christian Athletes, which supports a Biblical definition of marriage. “Our giving has always focused on youth and education,” Chick-fil-A told the BBC. “We have never donated with the purpose of supporting a social or political agenda.”

Dig deeper: Read Steve West’s report in Liberties about a Texas law that protects Chick-fil-A from local attacks like the one in England.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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