Breonna Taylor grand jury tapes go public | WORLD
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Breonna Taylor grand jury tapes go public

Protesters in Louisville on Sept. 25 Associated Press/Photo by Darron Cummings

Breonna Taylor grand jury tapes go public

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said he did not present murder charges as a possibility against the officers who carried out a deadly drug raid on a Louisville home in March. Following a court order, Cameron released audio of the usually secret proceedings of the grand jury that considered indictments against three officers who fired their guns as they entered Breonna Taylor’s apartment to execute a search warrant. The grand jury only charged Officer Brett Hankison with wanton endangerment for shots that went through Taylor’s apartment and into neighboring ones, not for the ones that killed her.

What is in the audio of the proceedings? The dispute continues over whether the officers identified themselves. They testified that they knocked repeatedly, announced themselves as law enforcement, and waited for nearly a minute before entering the apartment. Several neighbors told investigators they did not hear knocking or anyone saying, “police.” Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, told an internal police review that Taylor and he heard banging on the door but no one responded when they asked who it was. According to audio played in the proceedings, after shots were exchanged, Walker called 911 and said, “Somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend.” Walker shot at the officers during the raid in what he said was self-defense.

Dig deeper: Listen to the full recordings of the grand jury proceedings.

Rachel Lynn Aldrich

Rachel is a former assistant editor for WORLD Digital. She is a Patrick Henry College and World Journalism Institute graduate. Rachel resides with her husband in Wheaton, Ill.

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