Boy shot at S.C. elementary school dies | WORLD
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Boy shot at S.C. elementary school dies

Parents remember Jacob Hall as a gift from God

A sign in Townville, S.C., urges prayer. Associated Press/Photo by Jay Reeves

Boy shot at S.C. elementary school dies

Jacob Hall, the 6-year-old boy shot at a South Carolina elementary school earlier this week, died today. He had been on life support at a hospital in Greenville after suffering a major brain injury due to massive blood loss.

Jacob’s parents, Renae and Rodger Hall, thanked the doctors who tried to save Jacob’s life as well as those who risked their lives to protect him during Wednesday’s shooting.

"Jacob came into our lives six years and four months ago and changed it completely," his parents said in a statement. "He showed us how to love, laugh, and smile even on days we did not want to. God gave him to us, and he was taken away from us by a senseless act. We know that Jacob has already forgiven this child for what he did to him and his family because that’s the kind of child he was."

Prosecutors have charged an unnamed 14-year-old boy with shooting Jacob, another student, and a teacher. The bullet that struck Jacob in the leg severed his femoral artery. The shooter also is accused of killing his father, Jeffrey Osborne, at the family home before he drove a truck to Townville Elementary School and began shooting there.

Investigators say they do not have a motive for either attack.

Leigh Jones

Leigh is features editor for WORLD. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate who spent six years as a newspaper reporter in Texas before joining WORLD News Group. Leigh also co-wrote Infinite Monster: Courage, Hope, and Resurrection in the Face of One of America's Largest Hurricanes. She resides with her husband and daughter in Houston, Texas.

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