At least six dead and 30 injured in Chicago parade shooting | WORLD
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At least six dead and 30 injured in Chicago parade shooting

Chairs left behind by parade-goers who fled a shooting in Chicago. Associated Press/Photo by Lynn Sweet in/Chicago Sun-Times

At least six dead and 30 injured in Chicago parade shooting

Authorities detained a person of interest on Monday evening after a shooter opened fire at 10 a.m. during a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, a neighborhood in Chicago. Highland Park Police Chief Lou Jogmen said a police officer pulled over 22-year-old Robert E. Crimo III about five miles north of the shooting scene after an hours-long manhunt. Police said the shooter likely opened fire from a nearby rooftop using a rifle that was discovered at the scene.

What happened? The shots started about 10 minutes into the parade, but many thought they were fireworks. People ran up and down the route telling others to run. Some left behind chairs, blankets, and strollers as they grabbed their children and loved ones and ran into the neighborhood to try to get away from the route. One man put his son in a dumpster a few blocks away and then went back to see if he could find the rest of his family.

Dig deeper: Read Addie Michaelian and Adel Kuchyk’s report on police and community programs working together to prevent crime in their neighborhoods.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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