After police response, no evidence of shooting at San Diego… | WORLD
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After police response, no evidence of shooting at San Diego hospital

Police block an entrance to Naval Medical Center San Diego earlier today Associated Press/Photo by Lenny Ignelzi

After police response, no evidence of shooting at San Diego hospital

UPDATE: The Navy said Tuesday it found no sign of a gunman at Naval Medical Center San Diego after an active shooter was reported there.

Military police checked Building 26 of the healthcare compound after a person reported hearing three shots in the basement earlier in the day, Navy spokesman N. Scott Sutherland said, but found no evidence of a shooting. No one was injured.

OUR EARLIER STORY (12:35 p.m.): At least 100 law enforcement officials are responding to an active shooter at Naval Medical Center San Diego, a California Highway Patrol officer told reporters on the scene with The San Diego Union-Tribune.

“The information we have is very limited at this point,” John Perryman with the highway patrol said. At about 8:30 a.m. local time, the hospital sent an alert out via social media stating, “An active shooter has just been been reported in building #26 at Naval Medical Center San Diego. All occupants are advised to run, hide or fight.”

The highway patrol has closed the entrance to the healthcare compound in the Balboa Park neighborhood, which also houses the San Diego Zoo. Three nearby schools are on lockdown as a precaution due to increased police activity in the area, the Union-Tribune reported. No injuries or deaths have been reported yet.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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