Taliban overruns last holdout province | WORLD
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Taliban overruns last holdout province

Resistance fighters led by the former vice president of Afghanistan retained control of the eight districts of Panjshir until Sunday night. Leaders said they were trying to negotiate a ceasefire when the Taliban took over the district.

How many Americans remain in Afghanistan? U.S. officials say they are actively trying to get about 100 U.S. citizens out of the country. On Monday, the government confirmed it had helped a family of four escape overland into a neighboring country. Back in the United States, the Associated Press reviewed documents showing that men with child brides were among the refugees the United States evacuated out of Afghanistan in the frantic departure from the Kabul airport. Afghan girls have reportedly told U.S. officials that much older men forced them into marriages in order to leave Afghanistan and raped them. Polygamous families are also among the refugees. According to the documents, the State Department is seeking “urgent guidance” from other U.S. agencies on how to respond to the situation. Human trafficking and polygamy are illegal under U.S. law.

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archive, read Aimee Stauf’s report about forced marriages among Muslims and others in the United States.

Timothy Lamer

Tim is editor-at-large for WORLD News Group. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

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