Advocates ask GOP to restore pro-life positions to the party… | WORLD
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Advocates ask GOP to restore pro-life positions to the party platform

People walk at the Fiserv Forum ahead of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wis. Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Advocates ask GOP to restore pro-life positions to the party platform

Nearly two dozen pro-life advocates on Friday added their names to a letter to the Republican National Convention delegates. The letter accused party officials of retreating from strong pro-life positions the Republican Party has held for decades and demanded they restore stronger pro-life language to the party’s platform document.

What exactly are these pro-life advocates saying and asking for? Since 1976, the party has called for a constitutional amendment granting unborn babies the right to life, the letter said. It said the Republican Party of today has backed off those principles. The 2024 Republican Party Platform said Republicans would leave it up to the states to decide how or if they will protect unborn life. It also said it supported the ability of women to use in vitro fertilization and birth control.

Who are some of the advocates that signed this letter? Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President and WORLD Opinions Editor R. Albert Mohler Jr. signed the letter, as did Live Action President Lila Rose. Southern Baptist Convention President Clint Pressley also signed it. Meanwhile, the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said it supported the 2024 Republican Party platform.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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