A new WORLDmag.com and a change in our commenting policy | WORLD
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A new WORLDmag.com and a change in our commenting policy

This weekend WORLD News Group will unveil a brand-new WORLDmag.com. The great Christian worldview content you've come to rely on will remain the same but the way we present it to you will be completely redesigned.

Electronic media continues to change, and we are changing along with it. And as WORLD continues to move toward becoming a news organization this site will become more and more news-oriented.

Another major change to our site will involve our commenting policy. In the past, comments had been limited to just this portion of the website (originally known as WorldMagBlog). But beginning this weekend, all articles on the site-including magazine stories and columns-will allow comments, but the commenters will be limited to WORLD print, online, and iPad subscribers. (As is currently our policy, we'll continue to provide free access to our online-only articles and columns as before, while reserving most of our magazine content for subscribers only.)

And because we will be focusing more on news, we will no longer feature the daily "Whirled Views" posts and the weekend "Rants and Raves."

These changes will disappoint some of you who have enjoyed the unique interaction on this portion of the site. But it's a direction we believe is in the best interest of our site and its overall readership. Now that the days of the wild, wild web and its wide-open blogosphere appear to have run their course, it's time for WORLDmag.com to concentrate more on being of an edifying resource as well as an inviting place of interaction and community (where "iron sharpens iron") for our thousands of subscribers, many of whom previously shied away from commenting for various reasons.

We hope those of you who have frequented this portion of the site and are not currently subscribers will want to become one (click here for subscription options). Should you choose not to subscribe at this time, we hope you'll continue to visit the site to read news uniquely presented from a Christian worldview perspective.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to write me at webeditor@worldmag.com.

Mickey McLean

Mickey is executive editor of WORLD Digital and is a member of WORLD’s Editorial Council. He resides in Opelika, Ala.


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