20 coal miners reportedly murdered in Pakistani Balochistan | WORLD
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20 coal miners reportedly murdered in Pakistani Balochistan

Injured men receive treatment at a hospital in Quetta, Pakistan. Associated Press/Photo by Arshad Butt

20 coal miners reportedly murdered in Pakistani Balochistan

The government of Pakistan’s Balochistan province on Friday promised to take out terrorists alleged to have attacked the coal mine. The Balochistan Post reported on Friday that 20 workers died in the attack and seven others suffered injuries. Four of the victims hailed from Afghanistan, the Post reported. Others came from different areas in Pakistan.

Why did this attack take place? The attack occurred ahead of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit scheduled to begin in Pakistan next week. Members of the economic- and security-focused organization include China, Russia, Kazakhstan, India, Pakistan, and Iran. The attack also occurred ahead of a Pahstun National Jigra convention, which is a major political event for Pakistan’s Pahstun ethnic group.

Who are the terrorists responsible for this attack? No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, the Post reported. The attackers spoke Pahsto—a dialect used by some in Balochistan—and used a drone during the attack, according to one survivor. They also used small arms, grenades, and rockets to attack the mine, the Post reported. In addition to slaughtering workers, the attackers also destroyed several pieces of mining equipment.

Dig deeper: Read Lauren Canterberry’s report about how gunmen have killed dozens in Pakistan in recent months.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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